Late pledges OPEN for Dinosaur World and Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write!

The day you've been waiting for has finally arrived! Late pledges for Dinosaur World and Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write are now available!

Late pledges will follow the same timeline outlined above! Head over to the late pledge landing page.* You can treat it just like an extension of the Pandasaurus webstore!

You will have access to all of the Kickstarter (Savage) editions of the games and all of the stretch goals and Add-Ons that were available during the campaign. However, the prices for late pledges will be $5 higher than for people who backed the project while the campaign was live.

* Retailers, please use this link to the landing page for retailer late pledges.

Timeline for the Pledge Manager (PM):

 March 9 - PM closed!

Once the PM is closed, you won't be able to add anything else to your pledge so make sure you finalize your order before then. We need to lock in final numbers so we can begin large scale printing and stay on track for fulfillment in July!

🏠 Likely June? - Addresses locked down!

If you are moving addresses between now and fulfillment - never fear! While your game order may be locked in, you will still have time to update your shipping information until we're much closer to fulfillment. We'll give you plenty of heads up and reminders to make sure everyone's games arrive where they should. You can make any changes to your personal information by signing into your profile at

📦 July - Fulfillment!

This is still on track as planned. Of course, knock on wood that no unforeseen circumstances (looking at you, surprise weather!) pop up that affect shipping. We'll keep you appraised of any changes, but we're looking really good for July fulfillment right now!

Tagged with: Kickstarter

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